Oakfield Primary
Year 6 UnitYEAR 6
Year Six
Teachers: Mrs K Abrams & Mrs N Herrick
Teaching Assistants: Miss L Selby & Mrs R Batty
Useful Information
It is the expectation that the children in Year 6 will read at least 5 times a week at home. The reads can come from a variety of sources-their home-school reading books (a fiction or non-fiction), their favourite book, magazines etc. These reads are to be recorded in their reading records, which the children can do themselves, as long as it is accompanied by a parent’s signature. All reads go towards receiving a biscuit treat on a Friday and their chance of beating their opponent in the Reading Fixture Match each week.
Homework includes times tables, spellings and maths homework which are given out on a Monday to be handed in the following Monday. Children in year 6 are expected to know all of their times tables so they need to be learning these at home. This could be in the form of chanting, testing, writing or playing games. To support children, there is a maths homework club on Wednesdays.
PE days are Monday and Wednesday. In addition, children are currently enjoying Red Watch Fire fighters supporting the development of team building, fitness and communication skills. Please ensure the children bring the correct PE uniform (white t shirt and dark shorts with outdoor and indoor footwear) and remove or cover earrings prior to the lesson. Bringing in PE kits on a Monday and taking them home on a Friday will ensure the children never do PE without a kit.
SATS countdown
Spring term is a busy time in year 6 with the upcoming SATS taking place in May. We will have our SATS countdown displayed in class and we will be working hard as a team to prepare and support one another.
If you have queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via Dojo’s or through the office.