Oakfield Primary

Year 3


Year Three


3KB Teacher: Mrs K Bancroft

Teaching Assistants: Mrs J Altoft & Mrs H Husband


Homework is sent out on a Friday and is due back the following Friday and is Maths, Times tables and spellings.

There is the opportunity to complete homework with adult help during the week.

Children are also expected to read 5 times each week and this must be recorded in reading diaries, signed by an adult.

As children move up the school it is really important that children know the times tables facts. By the end of year 3 children should know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. To help achieve this, we encourage children to learn and practice these facts whenever possible and they will be regularly tested.


Please send children with PE kits on Mondays and these can then be left at school until Friday. In year 3 our PE days are Thursday and Friday.

PE Kits need to include a white top, dark shorts (jogging bottoms in colder weather) and a suitable change of footwear.

Earrings need to be removed on PE days or plasters provided for children to put on themselves.

Year Three


Year Three
